Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ziggy-Part Two

I'm back after a grueling day, but Ziggy beckons. I'm trying to remember the story long since providing amusement in a land fill somewhere in New York. I have a mental picture of Ziggy zooming(a fine example of alliteration) around the track beer can in hand battling for the lead. The pack of speed skaters make the final turn and head for the finish line. Fifteen feet from the finish line Ziggy's cheap artificial leg detaches and Ziggy utters an epithet in Bangladeshian. Miraculously,the artificial leg lurches forward. Ziggy's leg came in first and Ziggy came in second. The King of Norway draped a gold medal around the leg at the medal ceremony. Ziggy, with a bathroom plunger for support, also stood at attention with a can of beer in his other hand. His silver medal was attached to an extra long chain which conveniently covered an embarrassing hole in Ziggy's pants. Tears collected on the tip of his red nose as the National Anthem of Poland "I don't want her, you can have her, she's to fat for me" polka blared over the loud speakers. Ziggy was able to retire to a small cottage in the country after selling his leg on Ebay for one million dollars.

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